
But Am I Compatible With Eharmony?

Chalk it up to moment of weakness. After seeing one of those sappy eharmony commercials where the couples stare deeply in to one another's eyes and talk about how in love they are and how happy they are to find their soul mate blah blah blah, I broke down and took eharmony's personality test.

The good news: I appear to be a fairly balanced person... at least according to my personality profile results.

The shocking news: I actually got accepted. Eharmony's founder is Neil Clark Warren, an evangelical Christian who won't even let gays apply for eharmony. I was pretty sure my agnostic, divorced self was going to be denied.

The bad news: My inbox has been flooded with eharmony emails. You have a match! We will help you find love! Chuck from Havelock requests "guided communication" (huh?!?!) Just pay $147 for a six month membership.

The weird news: I don't think I am really ready for a serious relationship. The idea of a relationship started via the internet makes me break out in hives.


CKD said...

Sweet Jesus, we are leading parallel lives on opposite ends of the country. I did the same thing: took the test and was accepted. BUT I cannot pull the trigger on paying money to start emailing some dude. They keep matching me with people who live far away. Call me gunshy, but long-distance does not appeal.

Not to mention the whole "not ready for a serious relationship" thing, too. Having too much fun!

Southern Helle said...

Stupid commercials make us successful hot chicks feel inadequate. Still... I am tempted because the bar scene is getting so tired.

CKD said...

I hear you on the bar scene. Co-workers? No thanks. And now I'm even turning my back on my tried-and-true method: weddings. *Sigh*

Stupid commercials with the stupid smiley people!