
Welcome to the Island: LOST edition

This was actually a very tough decision this week. There are so many choices when it comes to the men of LOST. The fact that Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) didn't make either of our picks attests to that fact. I had to go with Naveen Andrews (Sayid). One hot mutha (shut your mouth fool). He is also loyal and can maim, torture, or kill pretty much anyone who crosses his path. And the hair, wow! As Roadtripper said, I already know he knows his way around an island but he is just as good looking off of it:

Welcome to the Island Naveen, I think you will like this one much better.


CKD said...

Did you quote "Shaft? in this post. I think you did. Well-played, Bad Wolf. Nice choice, too.

Leather Peacock said...

thank you. I couldn't help myself with the Shaft quote. Glad you enjoyed it and Sayid.