
Bad Wolf Didn't Disappear She's Just Been Masquerading as Scully!

Yeah, its a little late, but as Roadtripper has already explained it takes a lot longer to recover from nights of debauchery than it used to. ;) And I realized it had been a bit and I should probably find something to post. I thought hey! I could post my costume pic from Halloween. In case you don't get it, I went as Agent Scully from the X-Files (best show ever). It was last minute and easy to put together. Check out the breasts on the second pic!


Southern Helle said...

Oh you just wanted an excuse to have handcuffs :-P

That is a super cute costume.

Southern Helle said...

But did you ever find your Mulder?

CKD said...

Lookin' HAWT!